Timeline trio. Traxos. Axial. Fight weeds in your wheat
The new giants, united against the weeds.
Timeline Trio: safe, quick, highly effective solution against all weeds
One spray of a safe, quick & highly effective solution against all weeds (broad & thin), best time for application 25 days after plantation, safe against rain after 30 minutes of spraying & absorption by plants, easy to use for better yield (quality & quantity).
Ask your Syngenta manager about Timeline Trio!
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رأي المزارع في تايم لاين تريو
رأي المزارع في تايم لاين تريو
رأي المزارع في تايم لاين تريو
Timeline Trio
Best solution for wheat - very safe and effective
Very high performance against weeds
Excellent results against weeds
Works against the most difficult kinds of weeds
Quickly absorbed by plants - works against rain after 30 minutes of spraying
AXIAL® is Syngenta's innovative post-emergent selective Grassweed herbicide, for use in wheat offering unrivalled crop tolerance. Employing our new active ingredient, Pinoxaden, it offers the grower efficacy, selectivity and flexibility.
Traxos® is a systemic, post-emergence herbicide for the selective control of wild oats, volunteer (tame) oats, green foxtail, yellow foxtail, barnyard grass, Persian darnel, volunteer canary seed and proso millet in all types of spring wheat and durum wheat.