Non-Selective herbicides are used to control weeds before crop planting. They are also used to remove unwanted vegetation from orchards, vineyards and plantations. Such herbicides contribute to sustainable agriculture and help improve productivity by preventing soil erosion as it reduces the need for hand weeding and mechanical tillage.
Main Non-Selective Herbicide Brands:
REGLONE® is the world's leading market desiccant for potatoes. It also speeds up the natural plant dry down process, allowing crops to be harvested quicker, easier and earlier while at the same time maximizing both crop yield and quality.
TOUCHDOWN® Hi Tech is the most innovative solution available today for controlling broad leaf weeds and grasses. It contains glyphosate with the "High Tech" technology: an innovative system for enhancing weed control through quick uptake and distribution in the plant.
Click here to access the full list of our Non-Selective Herbicides